I went through this tutorial today. Nice example, but there was something I did not like. As a geek I sit on a sunday and try out a tutorial on my home computer. Lazy as I am I do not want to start my MySql instance, since adding more running components tend to slow down my almost four year old Toshiba laptop.
Since I was going to run Glassfish v3 anyway I was thinking a better idea is to have the database in the form of JavaDB, so I tweaked the script to fit into Derby instead, not much tweaking to do actually and doing it made me happy to not be forced to start MySql (My mysql is by the way a bit old and installed the same time as I installed InstantRails long time ago, and probably needs to be updated). The insert script in the tutorial work more or less as it is in JavaDB just remove the 3 SET-clauses in the top and the COMMIT in the end and it should work.
The script can be found at my google-site http://sites.google.com/site/ironicprogrammer/home/jsf-2-0-tutorial-db-script